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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2937

28th April 2011
Hiking - Walking: Aussios-le Coetet and Bonneval-sur-Arc
Wind Direction:
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Surf / Sea State:
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Weather: cloudy
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Another top night in the van in the middle of nowhere at le Coetet, out with the camera at 7:30 as the valley below was full of cloud and looked great :)also saw 2 more Ibex as common as rabbits up here !!! So after breakfast we decide to see how far up toward Bellecombe past the ‘road barree’ sign. The road is littered with rocks that the melting snow have brought down and snow covers the road just short of Bellecombe !!!! I have to do a 10 point turn on the narrow road and as there are already some cars parked up here we set off up to see what we can see.There is lots of snow up there and we see a sign for Plan du lac and head for that ,then remember I have lift the van unlocked with the keys in the ignition so we head back and drive down in search of a supermarket before midday. We see several marmot’s again, some walking in the road and find a shop in Solhieres and stock up with goodies and diesel.
Our plan was to head for lac du Mont-Cenis but we got to Val Cenis and found the Col over was ‘ferme’ :( so we had no choice as this road is a dead end in the winter but to head further up !!! The scenery to start with was abit bleak but as we neared Bonneval-sur-Arc it improved alot :) Bonneval is like the ski resort that time forgot :) lots of old buildings and when we parked in the carpark above the resorts only lift a 4 man chair we were pleasantly surprised that it was still open with skiing from 1800 to 3000 m !!! even if the run back to town looks a bit threadbare !!!
We tuck into our French bread, cheese and saucisse :) check our trusty map and see there is a walk further up the valley along the banks of the I’Arc river a wonderful mountain river. We set off at 2:15 over the river, past the start of the Vallonnet lift about half way we cross the river off the path and continue up the road and come across the mountain hamlet of I’Ecot a magical place dating back hundreds of years !!! We get a better view of the gorges from this side and when we reach the car park for the village we cross and head to the village stopping for snacks overlooking the church.There were some fantastic houses in the hamlet lovingly restored :) we were not sure if these were summer holiday homes or more of a working village as none of the houses had any one home !!!
We then came across a great old arched bridge with a lovelly waterfall one side and a deep gorge the other and another photo stop – poor Mag I feel sorry for her having to keep waiting for me but we are not in a hurry and she loves the mountain rivers and checking out the many alpine flowers :) We do the final section on the road reaching our van after over four hours !!!! It was then a quick trip to the village shop then back for pasta :)
We decide to stay at the ski lift car park for the night and if it is nice tomorrow we will get the skis out again and try the slopes here !!!!
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